Kombucha | 12 Pack
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I'm Brooke Williamson... I'm a chef and restaurateur.
I DID! I also feel very fortunate to have that be the case... I knew from the age of 6 or 7 that I wanted to be a chef... It was and is the only thing I ever really saw myself doing.
I wake up early... Drink my coffee while making my 11-year old's lunch and getting him set for school... Sometimes he lets me do his hair ;)... Then school drop off, then a workout... I either spin, or run, or play tennis, or once in a while see a trainer for some real torture. I then shower and head to whichever restaurant needs me that day. I try to hit at least 2 spots in a day to see what's going on. Sometimes if work allows, I'll drive carpool to a tennis lesson or a soccer game, or sometimes I'll hang at work till a bit later and have dinner at one of the restaurants with my husband and son before heading home and spending some time catching up on emails. I try as often as possible to be home to put my son to bed to make up for all the times I can't when I'm traveling. I love the spontaneity of my job, but also sometimes crave some routine.
Travel, my chef friends with their totally different approach to creativity, my son, my garden, a great spin class, you name it... there's inspiration in everything.
When I'm making a point to be mindful of my food, sleep, and fitness. The physicality of my job, not to mention all of the traveling I do, is taxing... Sometimes I need to reset and pay attention to everything that I'm putting my body through on a daily basis.
That I've managed to maintain my family and my marriage through all the chaos that is our everyday life. I work in an industry of work or get worked... I'm proud that I haven't let that dictate my family life.
Don't let the boys intimidate you... simply show them that you can do it better. (My mom)
I've most recently become obsessed with visiting the swimming pigs in the Exuma islands... and I can think of 100 other places I'd like to travel to... but other than that I'm pretty content and don't have a ton on my list.
I don't have one... I think I have so many different restaurants because I like to have an outlet for whatever I feel like cooking that day...
Bubbly Rose... hands down.
I've been working on getting a book written... and there's always a next... My husband and I thrive in the unsettled.
Don't overthink. There's never a wrong path, just different ones. Trust yourself and take pride in how you present yourself to the world.
Finding Inspiration in Everything doesn’t have to be difficult. Sometimes we make a chore out of the “finding” part. Although we should be intentional, we can also just allow it to happen and enjoy life’s experiences. Health-Ade Kombucha wants to know how will you follow your gut?