Kombucha | 12 Pack
Fan Favorite Variety Pack
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My name is Adeline Waugh, I am the creator of the Instagram + website, vibrant & pure. My passion is to make real healthy food a form of art. I love to use natural superfood ingredients to create colorful and unique recipes.
Vibrant & pure started because of my acne! it sounds odd but I’ll explain…in 2015, when I started my account (@vibrantandpure) I had just begun a journey with healthy eating and changing my lifestyle. I suffered with horrible cystic acne for most of my teenage and adult life and I read an article about the connection between diet and skin and it all clicked. I had to fix what was going on inside to fix what was being shown on the outside. I wanted to show that healthy meals (i specifically cut out gluten, dairy, and refined sugar) didn’t have to be boring or feel depriving. I ended up finding an amazing channel for my creativity and fell in love with food styling and photography—and now here we are today!
I wake up, force myself to drink a large mason jar of water with lemon (it’s seriously so challenging for me to drink water but I just force myself). Then I’ll have either a bulletproof iced matcha or an iced espresso latte (I'll add a little MCT oil and cinnamon because I’ve realized I handle the coffee/caffeine better that way). Then, I’ll answer emails and get started on whatever projects I have going on.
Lunch is usually a big green smoothie or a giant salad filled with lots of fiber-filled vegetables.
I try to fit in a short workout every day—this is a very new development. I always hated working out and just couldn’t get into it. I’ve been doing @melissawoodhealth workouts which are low impact/pilates style flows and they’re something I can really do every day.
I’ve been trying to eat dinner earlier—so I’ll have dinner around 7 and hang with my fiancé!
For my work, I’m the most inspired by color and texture. I love thinking up different color combinations and bringing them to life on the plate (or on a canvas- I love to paint too).
Who inspires me? my wonderful soon-to-be husband. He is an internal medicine resident and he has been working non-stop for the last 5 years pursuing his dreams—he never complains and he has the most amazing work ethic I’ve ever seen.
I absolutely love being in control of my own business/career. It’s so exciting to be able to do something different every day and be open to so many cool opportunities.
When I’m taking care of myself, my surroundings, and not rushing. I realized I have this internal need to be rushing all the time and it makes me so stressed. In my 29th year, I’ve decided I need to chill out and say ‘there’s no need to rush’. When I’m taking things slow, spending time with the people I love, and eating foods that make me feel good…I am very happy.
It’s not really advice, more of a quote: “don’t believe everything you think” as someone who’s had a tendency to struggle with anxiety most of my life, when I first read this quote it really struck me. It’s important to remember that thoughts are just thoughts, they come and go, and you don’t have to give every thought so much power.
Aside from traveling the world, I’d love to have a vibrant & pure cafe someday.
I have a cookbook coming out spring 2020!
Listening to your inner voice. Our bodies are smart, we know what’s best for us, and it’s important to hone the skill of listening to your body. I know people say it all the time, and sometimes I’m even thinking, “okay, “listen to your body”…but…What does that even mean?” In the wellness world, there’s a new trend every day and a new style of eating that is touted as *the* way to eat. If you try it out and you don’t feel good, listen to your body and try something else. We’re all different and we’re also always evolving, just try to stay in tune with your body and mind and do what’s best for you!
Interested in green superfoods? Power Greens Health-Ade Kombucha is a delicious yet fortifying combination of wheatgrass, spirulina & camu camu… perfect for any occasion! And of course, you can shop all of the delicious, USDA Certified Organic Health-Ade flavors here.